
Op mijn website ( kon je er al een aantal lezen, maar quotes uit serie 6 van Sex and the City, had ik nog niet. Daarom hier nog meer leuke quotes.

Carrie: I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.

FBI Agent, to Samantha: Ma’am, can you undo your cuffs so we can use ours?

Carrie: Meanwhile, I was finally confident I could heat up my sex life, because I was a sex columnist, I was resourceful, and I was drunkitty drunk drunk.

[Berger is shocked by the price of a Prada shirt.]
Prada Salesguy: But you will wear it forever!
Berger: Yeah, I’d have to! Does it also somehow open into a small studio apartment?

Samantha: You know what I think? I think, don’t do that.
Carrie: What?
[Samantha does an impression of Carrie’s pout.]
Carrie: Well, I’m sorry, I’m upset.
Samantha: Well, don’t be! You’ll be even more upset when your face is all lined.

Harry: I’m just here to drop off the photo proofs and the seating chart. We’re going to have a quick bite to eat and then I’m going to take the place cards to the calligrapher.
Howie: And after that, if there’s time, we’re going to go around the corner and try to find our balls.

Stanford: He’s certainly acrobatic.
Carrie: Oh yeah, he’s a regular Jerk de Soleil. Do you think everyone knows I slept with him?
Stanford: Yes. And they all think you’re a big hora.

Stanford: I also got them a CD of Free To Be… You And Me.
Carrie: I loved Marlo Thomas! I played that album all through the fifth grade. I wanted to run as fast as the wind.
Stanford: I played “William Wants A Doll” so many times I almost turned my little sister into a gay man!

Samantha: I’m so sick of these people with their children. I’m telling you, they’re everywhere! Sitting next to me in first class, eating at the next table at John Schu— [A child runs by.] Look at that. This place is for double cappuccinos, NOT double strollers. [Glances at Miranda.] I’m sorry.
Miranda: Hey, no need to apologize. I wouldn’t bring Brady here. Mommy needs two hands to eat her eight-dollar cake!
Charlotte: You’re not going to defend children?
Miranda: No, I don’t like any children but my own.

Carrie: Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you. … Hallmark doesn’t make a “congratulations, you didn’t marry the wrong guy” card. And where’s the flatware for going on vacation alone?

Stanford: God, I hate him. Come on, we’re going over there.
Marcus: Why?
Stanford: Because you’re in a tank top.

Carrie: Honey, if it hurts so much, why are we going shopping?
Samantha: I have a broken toe, not a broken spirit.

Charlotte: Imagine, being blind and not being able to see a beautiful day like today. Can you think of anything worse?
Anthony: Stonewashed jeans and a matching jacket.

Samantha: Well, I decided to turn a little hair loss into a lot of hair gain.
Stanford: Oh, you’re gettin’ wiggy with it!

Samantha: This funeral is better than fashion week!

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